Axelrod Broadcast Solutions, LLC

Axelrod Broadcast Solutions, LLC

Framingham, MA, USA

SBE Certified technical consulting, solving audio, video, radio frequency,  and IT problems in cable, broadcast, commercial, and residential systems.

Sleep Proxy and IP Address Conflicts

I reported this to Apple about their "Resolving IP address conflicts" help page, using the page's Feedback form.

I've repeatedly seen the message "Another device is using this address" when I wake up my MacBook. I had been letting my pfsense firewall issue a DHCP address from the range below 99. Considering the possibility that some random device was accidentally issued the same address during some overlap between sleep times and lease intervals (though I couldn't find it in the arp tables on either the laptop or firewall), I changed the laptop to be a static address in a different range. The message appeared again, with the new address! So this wasn't some coincidence. The newest item in my network is a Time Capsule, and I've been told by a network guru friend that it has a subtle, well-hidden feature called "Sleep Proxy" which is supposed to make life easier.

I spoke to a third-level tech at AppleCare but she unfortunately didn't know anything about Sleep Proxy on Time Capsule.

I suggested to Apple that they:
1) Fix their IP stack to test for a Sleep Proxy event instead of alarming the user about a nasty-sounding, obscure, and actually benign event on the network,
2) Add an explanation of the possibility of Sleep Proxy as a reason for the message.

Originally, I didn't know how to turn off the feature on the Time Capsule, and I didn't know what other device or process is trying to reach the MacBook while it's asleep, which is when the Sleep Proxy would theoretically provide its service. (Actually, I was suspicious that it was the Time Capsule itself looking for its backup client, i.e. the MacBook.) I did eventually find out how to disable it from Apple's article HT3774: Turn off the Mac's Energy Saver preference "Wake for WiFi network access" which registers the Mac with Bonjour Sleep Proxy. I haven't had the message once since I turned that off.

Update 2014-10-05: A complete discussion from 2009-2010 is on Apple's site: